How To Take Care Of Your Bengal Cat

How to take care of your Bengal cat
by francisluong

Bengal cat is an exotic breed created through a cross between a Bengal leopard and a domestic kitty. Bengal is known for its sumptuous coat, inherited from its Asian leopard ancestors. This exotic coat, however, is not the only outstanding thing in this type of cat: it also has a strong temperament and eccentric characteristics such as his passion for water and climbing.

You are probably familiar with the different needs of different breeds of dogs. For example, Labs need to run, Terriers are excitable and like to bark and dig, Beagles tend to scream and can be neurotic.

Now, apply this way of thinking of different breeds of cats. Of course, there is a fairly marked difference between domestic cat breeds. However, with only a cat like Bengal, you’ll want to consider the following tips when you integrate them in your house:

Bengal cat is athletic

Bengals need a lot of exercises. Fortunately, they walk well on a leash and harness. As you would with a dog, walk your Bengal cat for 10-20 minutes in the morning and evening.

The Bengal is highly intelligent

Consider the level of activity and high intelligence of a Bengal cat, and provide plenty of toys, such as a laser light. Be sure to have a minimum of twice daily play sessions, lasting at least 10 minutes (or until the cat gets tired).

Bengal cat loves water

Engage the cat with water. They love to play with it and running water holds a special fascination. Bengal cats like to come in sinks, showers and bathtubs.

Give your cat a litter box that has a cover!

It will give it a sense of privacy. Bengals can jump up to a height three times their height, so you should not be afraid to offer a litter box with a little higher edge.

Easy to groom

Do only a small amount of grooming. Bengals have a satin finish to their coat that doesn’t need a lot of care. However, like most cats, if you start brushing a Bengal as a kitten, it will grow up loving the attention.

A Bengal cat does not need special food, grooming and veterinary care. In fact, experts say they are generally healthier than other domestic cats and are not susceptible to feline leukemia.