How To Tell If A Cat Is Bengal Or Not

How To Tell If A Cat Is Bengal Or Not

If you’ve ever dreamed of having a tiger, panther or leopard without, you know, the dangers of living with wild animals, you’re in luck: Bengal cats look such as leopards, ocelots, margays, and clouded leopards…their beauty is captivating.

If you want to know whether your cat is a Bengal or not, you can look for some of these physical characteristics or consult a reputable Bengal breeder.

Bengal or not? Follow the steps:

1- Physical Traits Of A Bengal Cat

1- The Bengal cat’s head is triangle-shaped, longer than wide. It is rather small compared to the body. His expression must be differentiated as much as possible from that of the domestic cat. The curve of the forehead joins gently the bridge of the nose, without stopping to continue in a line almost straight to very slightly convex to the tip of the nose. The cheekbones high and well projecting. The nose is long and wide with a characteristic puffed leather.

2- The muzzle is strong with patrons more developed than average. In profile, the tip of the chin is aligned on the tip of the nose.

3- The eyes are large, well-spaced, oval almost round but never globular.
The eye color is green, gold, blue or aquamarine, depending on the color of the dress.

4- Ears are medium to small in size, relatively short with a broad base and rounded tip. They are located at the equal distance between the top and the sides of the head. When looking in profile, they are pointed forward.

5- The neck is long and muscular.

6- The body is long, powerful musculature and a robust framing.

7- Legs are of medium length and well-muscled.

8- The feet are large and round with prominent fingers.

9- The tail is average to short, thick at the base, thinning slightly to finish on a rounded.

2- What Is The Color Of A Bengal Cat?

1- The dress is short and particularly silky to touch. The fur can be as sprinkled with gold, an effect called “glitter”. The pattern of the dress can be “spotted” with two types of dots: rosettes and spots.
Whether spots or rosettes, the contrast with the background color must be extreme with distinct shapes and rims. The belly is imperatively spotted.

2- The pattern of the dress can also be “marble” (marbled). The classic marks are called “oyster shell or butterfly wing”. As for the “spotted” pattern, the contrast with the color of the dress must be extreme. As well as the belly, which must be imperatively spotted.

3- Coat

Patterns: spotted, rosettes, marble.

Colors: black (brown, silver, smoke), blue.

3- Identifying Personality Traits

The Bengal cat is a lively and very intelligent cat. He is sociable with other animals. He loves water. He is very affectionate with his master.

4- Getting Professional Verification

1- Consult a reputable breeder.

2- Check with Bengal breed organizations.

3- Ask your veterinarian.