Suki Cat, The Adventurous Bengal Cat

Suki cat

Suki cat is a beautiful Bengal cat living in Canada with her owners. This is an unusual life for a small cat, but he has not been afraid to use his little paws to explore new lands, in places most of us can not afford it.

Not only does Suki cat seem happy with her life as an adventurer, but she also has many souvenir photos on Instagram from which her photos are taken.

I really invite you to subscribe to her Instagram!

Whether for a canoe trip or a climb to reach a flower meadow, looking for wild mushrooms and cuddling her owner. Every place visited by Suki cat becomes much brighter each time she enters.

Suki cat has received many comments on the incredible color of her eyes. “The color is edited!” Says one of his masters.

“I really enjoy playing around with the photographs to create a little magic, but if you’d like to see her normal eye color it is visible in the many videos I have posted”.

To dream, take a look at these beautiful pictures and you will immediately want to travel with her.

Get ready to see very cute pictures. You will understand why Suki charms the world.

Don’t forget to share these pictures with all your cat lovers on Facebook!

All images via Sukiicat

Suki cat
Suki cat
Suki cat
Suki cat
Suki cat
Suki cat
Suki cat