Cat Behaviors: 7 Things Your Cat Wants You to Know

cat behaviors

Today we’re going to look at some cat behaviors, and see why they are actually quite complicated and quite subtle in their behaviors. Much more so than social species such as ourselves and dogs.

So, let’s have a look at the cats and see what you think is going on.

1- Cat behaviors: the position of her tail

The position of cat tail
Via Youtube

When a cat comes towards you with their tail up, usually pointing at the top, it’s a sign of a greeting in cats.

This is a lovely behavior to say that usually when they’re greeting you in the coming home or the soliciting attention.

The best thing to do with these cat behaviors is to acknowledge their greeting and usually give them a bit of fuss like a head rub for example.

2- Why do cats rub against you?

Why do cats rub against you?
Via Youtube

When cats are rubbing around ourselves or other objects and the environments, usually corners of things, and they’re often using parts of their body, like their cheeks and their sides.

They’re actually depositing scent. While this looks like a really cautious behavior where they’re sort of smooching these areas.

It is in fact scent-marking. We often see these cat behaviors, particularly when we first arrive home.

For example, when they’re rubbing around our legs, it is a greeting behavior as well but primarily because we smell a bit funny where we’ve been out, and they’re trying to make us smell more familiar.

3- The slow blink

The slow blink
Via Youtube

The slow blink is one of my favorite cat behaviors.

This is where you slow blink at a cat, so really slowly open and close your eyes. And in a perfect cat etiquette, just turning your head slowly to the side.

This is showing the cat that you’re nice and relaxed in their presence and that you’re not threatening at all. If you’re really lucky, the cat will slow blink you back.

4- Ears pressed back or sideways

Ears pressed back or sideways
Via Youtube

When cats have got their ears flattened, either to the side or back, this can be a sign of stress. That they’re quite frightened.

What’s really important when cats that are feeling stressed and frightened, is to give them a place to hide and the opportunity to get up high.

5- Exposed belly

Exposed belly
Via Youtube

You know when you return home and the cat throws itself on its side and shows you its belly.

Often, many people misinterpret behaving think it wants its tummy rubs.

Now, unfortunately, those people that will have tried this behavior will, unfortunately, get a grab around the hand. And maybe the cat will bite them as well. That’s because what this cat is really doing is showing a greeting behavior, and also that it feels relaxed in your presence, it trusts you and it’s almost an abuse of that trust to go and straight their tummy. What the cat would rather you do is just to give them a slight head rub and that’s it.

6- Licking lips

Cat Licking lips
Via Youtube

Lip licking can occur for a variety of different reasons. For example, if they’ve just had something to eat then you will notice them doing a really big lick. However, it can also be a sign of nausea, and in this particular cat, it’s a sign of stress.

So when cats are stressed, it’s really important to give them a place to hide and the opportunity to get up high.

7- Purring

Via Youtube

Purring is one of those cat behaviors that’s familiar to all cat owners. Perhaps the most enjoyable and hypnotic of cat sounds.

It often shows a cat that’s content, often soliciting attention, and but sometimes it can actually be a sign that the cat is in pain.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the look at these cat behaviors and found them interesting.

Hopefully, when you go home today you’ll look at your cat with a whole new light and hopefully improve your relationship with them as well.

Pictures via youtube