Human Food For Cats


Cats are carnivores so they’re diet should be predominantly meat-based. But there are a few vegetables and fruits that you can give your cats that will have a lot of benefits for them or can just be a really good alternative to treats. Like humans, fresh veggies are great for cats. Once you find out what human food for cats, you can start getting creative by making your feline friend delicious DIY cat treats.

Human Food For Cats #1: Pumpkin or Butternut Squash

Human Food For Cats - Pumpkin

Baked pumpkin and baked butternut squash it is so good for your cat. The hardest thing about this is actually convincing your cats to eat it. But if you can your cat will get so many benefits. Not only is it high in vitamins A, C, and E it is also high in protein, fiber, and iron.

The fiber content is really good if your cat has any dietary worries or any weight issues.

Putting some baked mashed up pumpkin or butternut squash in your cat’s foods can help them feel fuller without adding any extra calories which are really quite good!.

Pumpkin or butternut squash is also a great treatment for hairball as the fiber helps them in their digestive system and can alleviate sort of excessive hairballs or any other stomach problems that they might have.

Not only is pumpkin low in calories and high in fiber, but it is also an effective treatment for cats who suffer from abnormal stools.

Human Food For Cats #2: Cucumber

Human Food For Cats - Cucumber

Cucumbers are an excellent source of vitamin K and a good source of copper, potassium, manganese as well as many other important nutrients.

Can cats eat cucumber?

In short, yes, there’s nothing wrong with giving your cat a few slices of cucumber to eat.

Cucumbers can actually very advantageous to your cat. Like pumpkin and butternut squash, cucumber is high in fiber but it’s also jam-packed full of water.

So if you have a sick kitty or you are worried about their water intake, if you just chop up some cucumber and put it in with their food it’s guaranteed to make sure cat is getting enough water and it can also settle upset stomachs as well.

chopped up cucumber in their food is a great way to make sure that they’re getting moisture and water when they’re sick or when it’s hot.

Human Food For Cats #3: Green beans

Human Food For Cats - Green beans

These are another human food for cats that is really good for weight management.

Green beans are not only a tasty and safe human food for cats to eat, but they are also a good source of protein. And we know that cats require a lot of proteins to have a healthy life.

If you put in the chopped up green beans or canned green beans and into their food it can help them feel fuller. But the fiber also is really good for their stomachs as well.

Now if you’re going to be using canned green beans, make sure they are the ones that have no sodium in them. Because excessive salt is really bad for your cats.

Since they are a source of proteins that isn’t as high in fat as regular meat they are also a way to help an obese cat lose some weight.

Human Food For Cats #4: Peas

Human Food For Cats - Peas

Can cats eat peas?

Peas are one of the vegetables that cats can safely eat and enjoy!

Peas are one of the stranger ones on this list. But are great not only are they small enough for you to not worry about them being a choking hazard but they are high in protein and low in fat.

So it’s really good and to give your cat some of those micronutrients but also a nutritional boost if they’re particularly active cats.

Cooked peas are also really good for digestion and it also they’re really for promoting muscle growth which is really interesting, don’t you think?

Large amounts of peas, however, can come with some negative side effects like vomiting or diarrhea.

Human Food For Cats #5: Strawberries!

Human Food For Cats - Strawberries

There is nothing like enjoying a ripe juicy strawberry. But can cats eat strawberries too?

This is a bit of a cheap one because it’s not necessarily nutritional to your cat. But they are non-toxic to your cat. This means strawberries won’t make your cat sick if they have a nibble.

So if you want to give your cat a nice little treat, you can give them a little portion of chopped up strawberries.

And if you’re feeling especially like to want to give them a special treat, put a tiny little blob of cream and you can share a nice traditional summer treat with your cat!

Strawberries are not something that cats naturally go for. However, your fluffy feline friend can eat a little strawberry and not come to any harm.


If you are using human food for cats as a treat, make sure to only give them about 20 calories a day. So they won’t start to gain excess weight.

Consult your vet before providing any human food for cats as some may be dangerous.

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If you have any additional and foods that you wouldn’t know are good for your cat, please let me know in a comment section below.